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Millennials Are Everywhere

June 6, 2017

Millennials are everywhere: they’re invading your office; they’re disruptors; they’re young. Who are these people?

Qualification Criteria of a Millennial

  1. Have they ever used a pay phone?
  2. Have they ever owned a beeper?
  3. Do they have an AOL email address?

If the answer is no, you have millennials in your office. Who are these people? They are the generation born between 1981 and 2000. They make up the fourth generation currently active in the workplace.

Digital Natives

Digital Natives are labelled as disruptors. Millennials are the first generation to grow up with computers and mobile phones as common household fixtures. Social media was an almost inescapable part of their teenage years. The world – encyclopedias, entire libraries, music, movies, video, online classes and tutors, friends from around the globe sharing a common interest – became accessible with a simple internet connection.

The millennial generation grew up with smartphones, Facebook, mobile messaging, and online collaboration. They are among the first to embrace personal assistant software. Because of this, they have developed an always-connected mindset.

Work is a Function – No Office Required

Millennials believe that work productivity can happen anywhere, at any time – on the road, in the office, at home, or any public place with WiFi. They tend to reject the eight-hours-at-a-desk work paradigm. They’re comfortable and productive working in a coffee shop, home or other venues outside of the office.

Creating a Mobile First, Digital Environment

If you want to recruit and retain the best and brightest among the millennial generation, you need to be ready to provide them with the right digital communications tools.

ProcessFlows suggests that AVST’s Virtual Personal Assistant is a first step. We embrace this new generation and their potential for productivity.

For more information, contact us on 01962 835053 or at to learn more.

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