Some projects may require our dedicated software development team to develop bespoke applications or support complex integration with legacy systems. Over the last 33 years, our dedicated software development team has undertaken numerous development projects on behalf of clients around the globe, providing bespoke, integrated and standalone solutions designed to streamline and automate business processes. Many of these projects have involved the combination of a number of inter-related technologies such as imaging, capture, workflow, and mobile communications, creating powerful solutions that improve the productivity and profitability of business operations.
In addition, we have detailed knowledge of the communications market and have developed a variety of telephony applications, speech recognition, IVR, VoIP, fax, email, SMS, CTI and other communication related developments. Furthermore, we have specialised teams dedicated to Microsoft SharePoint and Mobile Applications (Android and iOS platforms).
Our developers experienced at managing a wide variety of projects, ranging from bespoke one-off client applications through to commercial programs that are re-sold around the world. Projects have entailed both simple and complex Windows Services, standalone applications, Client-Server and nth tier solutions, hosted web based solutions and client utilities. We have expertise in many key technologies, including JavaScript, Java, Kotlin, C#, Dart, Flutter, and provide solutions, deployed on Linux / Windows Servers or across Kubernetes Clusters.
ProcessFlows has development teams working both in our head office in the UK and our European Managed Services Centres. This integration of resources allows us to take on a great number of development projects requiring a diverse skill set and deliver them at a reduced cost. We also give our customers the flexibility to integrate our resources into their software development teams. Our teams undertake projects of all sizes, all are managed using the same methodology to ensure high quality delivery of projects, within budget and on-time.
ProcessFlows transition to Konica Minolta – FAQ
/in News & Insights /by ProcessFlowsHere is a simple Frequently Asked Questions page to assist you regarding the transfer of ProcessFlows business activities to Konica Minolta Business Solutions (UK) Limited .