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What is Unified Communications?

January 16, 2014

Unified Communications (UC) means different things to different people. This is because it has many different features and services, which include Presence, Messaging, Voicemail, Fax, SMS and Email.

Compared to five years ago, the average employee is working very differently – daily lives are getting busier with in-house and/or onsite meetings and there is a growing trend of staff working from home, whilst travelling or even responding to emails late at night. Companies have changed too and are offering staff the flexibility of where they can work as an incentive. UC allows companies to reduce their operational costs and staff can be more productive – travelling no longer means that you can’t work.

ProcessFlows offer UC technology that can help your company take advantage of this growing trend and gain ROIs such as reducing the space required for employees to work, automating parts of the business process and reducing overall costs.

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