News & Insights

Electronic faxing saves time and reduces carbon footprint

Find out how Thomas Eggar has ‘gone electronic’, getting rid of 20 energy consuming fax machines across their 6 office locations.

Some interesting facts about Open Text Document Server, Alchemy Edition document management

Here are some interesting facts about OpenText Alchemy. Find out if this is the right Document management solution for your business.

Get the most out of your existing IT systems

ProcessFlows is holding a seminar on the subject of maximising your existing, and often underused IT investment, to improve business process.

The Multiple Methods of Data Capture

ProcessFlows frequently gets asked about the different methods of data capture and how ProcessFlows can support businesses.

AFA Insurance handles 80% of all claims automatically

By switching from traditional mailroom processes to Digital Mailroom, AFA Insurance has transformed the way they do business.

The Mailroom of the Future

Partners, ProcessFlows, ReadSoft, Stortext, ibml and Kodak Alaris recently presented ‘Digital Mailroom’ at a Seminar held in the Tower of London.

We’ve changed our name to Avanquest ProcessFlows

For over 20 years, Avanquest Solutions has been helping enterprises streamline the way they do business and increase efficiency.

Do the new FSA Regulations apply to fax?

From the 9th of March 2009, the FSA rule on retaining Electronic Documents for at least 6 months came into place.

What exactly is Business Process Automation?

Key to any successful Business Process Automation overhaul is understanding the business – the ‘pain points’ and future needs.

Why continue to invest in fax technology?

Even though fax has been around for over 150 years, it is still regarded as the most reliable, fast and secure methods of communication.

What about the ‘green’ element?

Find out what businesses can do to reduce the impact on the Earth’s natural resources whilst reducing their costs.

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