Cyber Essentials Certification Awareness – a great opportunity for our print partners

Cyber Essentials is a simple but effective Government backed scheme that helps your customers protect themselves against a whole range of the most common cyber attacks.

But did you know that if your customers bid for any public sector contracts which involve handling sensitive and personal information or the provision of certain technical products and services, they will require Cyber Essentials Certification?

One of the 5 key ‘controls’ required to obtain Cyber Essentials Certification is “Keep your devices and software up to date” ; this is where you come in !

In this webinar we will explain more about the opportunity Cyber Essentials Certification will create for you and your organisation with a focus on older versions of Print Management software.

Date: 27. 05. 2021

Time: 11:30 AM

(Webinar recording will be provided to all registered)

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