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Alchemy v9 & Productivity Suite

September 6, 2014

The Financial Pain in Finding Documents

OpenText Alchemy lets you organise and find any document instantly, whether it is a sheet of paper, a fax, a Word document, or just about anything else.

Failure to find critical documents quickly can impact audits and trigger lawsuits, company growth and customer experience can also be impacted. Manually searching page by page for specific content can take hours. This problem multiplies when an organisation must gather related content from disparate line-of-business applications. Further, you may incur penalties if you cannot prove who has accessed the records.

The Alchemy document server solves these problems by letting you securely capture, store and search documents from:

  • Paper
  • Multi-function printers and devices (MFPs and MFDs)
  • Fax
  • Scanners
  • The cloud/SaaS applications
  • Back-office systems

Alchemy also enables you to simplify and accelerate your document-centric business processes by structuring the way in which documents are routed around your organisation. By routing documents to the right users at the right time, Alchemy makes it easy for those users to make business decisions (such as approving an invoice) and to record that decision with a mouse click. Alchemy can then route documents to the next step of decisions and actions, reducing the overall cycle time for business process management.

Alchemy can further simply your business processes by automating decisions based on information extracted from particular documents.

For instance, Alchemy can check the value of an invoice and then simply route that invoice through the appropriate approval steps based on the amount or other values.

The business processes you depend on can be driven by these documents or sabotaged by them. The information contained within these documents can lead to an opportunity or open the door to risk. It’s time for documents to start contributing again.

By deploying Alchemy, you can ensure that your documents will be correctly indexed and categorised, making them easy to find through searching or browsing the document repository. Your document-dependent processes will be far less prone to errors and will take less time and fewer resources to complete. With all of your documents close at hand and in one place, you can comply with requests for information swiftly and confidently, mitigating the risk of fines or other business losses.

The result of deploying Alchemy mitigates the risk of fines or other business losses and more focus on the business.

Most of these features can be found in the new Alchemy Productivity Suite, recently released by OpenText (along with the latest v9 release.) This has been released as a new module, and has been widely acclaimed as addressing many of the issues found in small to medium business struggling with the ever increasing mountain of paper and associated costs in finding them.

ProcessFlows have announced a promotion whereby the Productivity Suite can be purchased at discounted rates, when taken alongside the latest Alchemy v9 Release. This promotion ends on December 12th 2012.

Want to find out more?

Contact ProcessFlows – we will be pleased to provide you with more detailed information – but hurry, as the financial pain continues to affect your bottom line, and this promotion could help you reduce that impact. Call us on +44 (0) 1962 835053, email

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