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Surrey Heath Borough Council – Whiteboard Animation

August 5, 2014

We are very proud to show off our latest case study in the form of a Whiteboard animation.

The video follows Surrey Heath Borough Council’s ten year journey with us for their quest to replace paper driven processes with electric ones using our Electronic Document Management Solutions, with more pieces of their solution still to puzzle together.

Surrey Heath Borough Council is based in Camberley, Surrey. Over 80,000 people live within Surrey Heath, which is renowned for its safe, green environment and recreational facilities. Wherever possible, they utilise technology to provide staff with new and efficient ways of working, which improves engagement with constituents, stakeholders and partners.

The Solution has provided the Council with many benefits including significant storage space becoming freed up at the Council’s Camberley based offices.

The saved space is now let to Surrey Police and the NHS to provide a much needed boost to council revenues.

You can watch the video on our YouTube channel here or to read the full case study please click here.

For more information please contact us on +44 (0) 1962 835053, email

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