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Paperflow – an Outsourcing Case Study
June 23, 2020Paperflow is a fast-growing start-up headquartered in Denmark. The company developed an invoice data scan and capture system that digitises documents with 100% accuracy, regardless of format. The solution enables cost-effective information retrieval and workflow digitisation for bookkeepers and accounting professionals across Denmark and the rest of Europe.
In order to ensure their data is 100% correct, Paperflow need a team of data entry operatives to manually check for errors, enabling their AI software to learn and improve further.
The Challenge – Scalability and Improving SLA Response Times for Customers
The challenge Paperflow faced was being able to quickly recruit data entry specialists. They had tried using traditional offshore outsourcing in Bangladesh but faced issues relating to the time zone difference, internet connectivity and variable response times. As a fast-growing start up, scalability of the operation was a major requirement for them.
Dan Rose, CEO of Paperflow, explains “We needed an outsourcing solution that was very scalable and allowed us to add a lot of people on quickly. We couldn’t afford to wait for a month for recruitment, and another two for training. Ideally, we’d have people starting at a
two weeks’ notice.”
Since their clients expect quick turnaround of data, having a reliable back office operation is a must.
Dan elaborates: “Our customers expect us to complete all the work they send within 24 hours of receipt, and we never know what volume to expect. Therefore, it’s very important for us to be able to trust
the back office operations.”
The Solution – Partnering with ProcessFlows Outsourcing and Getting a Growing Data Entry Team out in Sofia
After speaking to ProcessFlows, Paperflow quickly realised they may have found the solution they have been looking for. After engaging with their expert recruitment team and providing a job brief, ProcessFlows had a data entry team setup and working for Paperflow within weeks.
Benjamin Laursen, Head of Operations, says: “We started with two part-time workers. Now we have 23 agents working for us and there have been no complications at all. That’s been the biggest win for us.”
“As soon as we switched to ProcessFlows, our SLAs got much steadier. We can count on the team to satisfy our customers’ requirements.”
Dan Rose and Ben Laursen, Paperflow
The Experience – an Easy, Scalable, and Reliable Outsourcing Operation
ProcessFlows were able to get a team of 15 data entry operatives up and running within two weeks, something that Dan thought was an impossible timeframe. “We hired 15 people with ProcessFlows in two weeks. We didn’t believe that was going to work but it did.”
The experience of Outsourcing with ProcessFlows has been so successful, the Paperflow team continues to grow out in Sofia. What’s more, the team is seeing steady response times and improved SLA.
“As soon as we switched to ProcessFlows, our SLAs got much steadier. We can count on the team to satisfy our customers’ requirements.”
Dan and Ben share “The quality improved compared to from the previous offshore outsourcing solution. The whole process of engagement has been really easy.”
To download the Case Study and for more information, please see above left.
ProcessFlows transition to Konica Minolta – FAQ
/in News & Insights /by ProcessFlowsHere is a simple Frequently Asked Questions page to assist you regarding the transfer of ProcessFlows business activities to Konica Minolta Business Solutions (UK) Limited .