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Housing Charity – An IT Health Check Case Study
July 14, 2021A housing charity who offer accommodation, residential and nursing care to older people with limited incomes. This charity runs several large estates across England. They offer their elderly residents all the benefits of a community, supporting their health and welling.
Receiving poor service from their existing IT provider
The customer wanted to obtain a better understanding of their IT and plug any service and service level gaps left by their current IT provider. They were unhappy with the service they were receiving and had been let down time and time again.
An IT Health Assessment
ProcessFlows offered to provide an IT Health and Data Compliance Check that would assess all aspects of the clients IT health and security such as
– Software patching
– End-point security status
– Ports
– Content filtering
– Data compliance risks
– Back-up management
– Hardware
The assessment was carried out remotely, over a 30 day period.
The Initial Results
The initial Health score was positive due to the constant updating of the clients Anti-Virus software, which was installed on all servers. The report did detect a slight memory issue but this could easily have been resolved with a reboot.
Serious Security Risks
Our assessment also detected considerable amounts of unsecure personal data that could have led to serious liability and unrecoverable reputational damage. The personal data consisted of D.O.B, NINO, Credit Card details, IBAN and Sort Codes. This data was stored in many unencrypted forms such as emails, backup files and an unsecure database server. We estimated the potential liability at just over £30,000,000.
ProcessFlows were able to quickly and safely identify these risk and instruct the client on how to protect their data, recommending they immediately enable Bit Locker encryption. Without ProcessFlows, this data would have remained an unknown risk that could have been harmful to their business and residents.
To download the Case Study and for more information, please see above left.
ProcessFlows transition to Konica Minolta – FAQ
/in News & Insights /by ProcessFlowsHere is a simple Frequently Asked Questions page to assist you regarding the transfer of ProcessFlows business activities to Konica Minolta Business Solutions (UK) Limited .