Business Intelligence & Data Analytics Case Studies

Antal International – a Business Intelligence Dashboards Case Study

ProcessFlows Dashboard Software is helping Antal International to drive real-time visibility of their KPIs.

ProcessFlows Dashboards – a Business Intelligence Case Study

Our own Client Services is using Business intelligence software, Dashboards, to provide an at-a-glance, real-time view of all services/consultancy activity and the Support Contract renewal process.

Bernicia Group – a Business Intelligence Case Study

ProcessFlows Business Intelligence Dashboards is enabling the Bernicia Housing Group to construct a singular corporate view of their performance and better identify areas of the business which can be improved.

Harper Adams University – a Business Intelligence Dashboards Case Study

ProcessFlows Dashboards Business Intelligence software is enabling Harper Adams University to always have the most up to date information available for students.

Harvard Engineering – a Business Intelligence Case Study

A ProcessFlows Business Intelligence Dashboards solution at lighting design and manufacturing specialists.
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