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Capstone Intelligent Solutions – a Unified Communications Case Study
May 13, 2019Capstone Intelligent Solutions are an international team of communication technology experts with offices across the UK, Ireland and the USA. Their international network of trusted partners has allowed them to extend their reach with Capstone now servicing the communication needs of well over 300 sites spanning 38 countries.
Over the past decade, Capstone has refined it’s offering to focus on the improvement of both internal and external communications. Underpinning this is strong conviction that fast and reliable channels of communication are absolutely essential to the success of any business or organisation. Acting as one single international point of contact, Capstone designs, deploys, manages and supports real-time communication systems across multiple geographical locations for its clients.
How does ProcessFlows support Capstone and their work with clients?
ProcessFlows prides itself on helping partners procure, utilise and integrate the leading software solutions in unified communications, print and fax, process automation, risk management and secure communications. By acting as a frictionless conduit between our partners and a wide network of vendors, we ensure our partners exact needs are catered for. This allows our partners to provide tailored solutions to their clients with peace of mind.
Over the past 6 years, Capstone and ProcessFlows have developed a strong relationship centred around the provision of best of breed communications solutions from our UC portfolio. Here at ProcessFlows, we have developed a UC offering that has been built around a customer centric model that constantly strives to better understand the needs of users in an often fragmented UC llandscape.
One outcome of this has been making sure that all of the products within our portfolio have high levels of interoperability. This means that our solutions will not only work smoothly within a company’s existing communications infrastructure, but will also be future-proofed against any minor or major changes they might want or need to make to their UC setup overtime. The upshot of this is that our partners can offer these solutions to their customers with the confidence that they will grow and adapt to their customers’ needs and therefore protect returns on investment in an often fast moving UC/IT market.
Interoperability has become essential to UC success
This emphasis on providing quality UC products with high levels of interoperability turned out to be a great fit for Capstone and their customer base. As UC technology specialists with a large and diverse group of customers, Capstone presides over a large variety of Avaya- centric UC setups. Having access to flexible solutions therefore means that Capstone are able to meet the needs of numerous customers with the same product, despite the differing integration needs and without compromising performance or quality. This saves Capstone time whilst affording them the opportunity to gain a deeper knowledge of the offering.
An example of this would be the deployment of CX-E into a handful of Capstone’s customers. CX-E, an industry leading UC platform boasting support for hundreds of integrations, as well as numerous integrations on a single system, has, in this instance, helped capstone provide fully integrated voicemail into complex UC setups.
Partner collaboration – a proactive approach to account management
As well as the provision of UC solutions, ProcessFlows supports Capstone through both the instillation process, as well as provide the various lines of support required by Capstone’s customers. This allows Capstone to focus on what they are great at, instead of having to direct unnecessary resource into building up internal expertise on yet another system.
A distinguishing feature of ProcessFlows is, however, our desire to go beyond the normal supplier/partner relationship by engaging proactively through our account management relationships. Instead of reacting passively to requests from our partners, we work alongside our partners to better understand them and their customers. By taking this approach we can bring our knowledge and expertise to the table, providing thoughts and insights from the qualification stages all the way through to the end of the process and beyond, helping our partners read beyond the brief and anticipate the changing needs of their customers. This is exemplified by our relationship with Capstone where, by working collaboratively and actively looking beyond the initial voicemail requirements of their customers, we have started to investigate numerous opportunities to expand the deployment of CX-E, such as to provide speech-enabled automated attendant functionality to help streamline processes and improve efficiency for the customer.
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ProcessFlows transition to Konica Minolta – FAQ
/in News & Insights /by ProcessFlowsHere is a simple Frequently Asked Questions page to assist you regarding the transfer of ProcessFlows business activities to Konica Minolta Business Solutions (UK) Limited .