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Can Mishandled Data Cost Your Life?

February 27, 2017

The latest data mishap is a continuance of the NHS investigation into 500,000 misplaced documents from 2011 to 2016. Lip service has been made about how bad it is to mishandle sensitive data, but now an investigation proper has been launched to see just how far patients have been affected by the incident.

Various scandals have come to light over the years concerning leaked data of all types – from financial details to passwords to the infamous Ashley Madison case. But this time it’s different because it’s not money or reputation hanging in the balance, but potentially lives.

Up to 2,500 patients may be in a worse condition because of lost test results, outdated prescriptions and other missing documents that could otherwise have contributed to improved health or full recovery. We’ll only know the true extent of the effect on people’s health when the investigation has progressed further.

The whole incident has been labelled a scandal by those involved and those investigating – as it rightly should. Sensitive data is called that for a reason, and no doubt there will be some big fines on the horizon to compensate for this. Follow the story here.

Fines and lives; two reasons why it’s imperative for organisations to stay compliant and keep data secure. At ProcessFlows we specialise in solutions that move and store data securely throughout your organisation so that you can avoid embarrassing and costly moments. We offer features with every solution that create thorough audit trails so that you know what’s happening with your data, where, when and with whom.

To learn more about our offerings, contact us at or at 01962 835000.

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